Thursday, June 26, 2008

First WEN Meeting Update

On Wednesday the 25th of June we held our first emergency network meeting at Cafe Tempest in Wallsend. In attendance were Frances and Doug Beckwith, David Brook, Craig Budden, Kim McNaughton, Ted Croake, Steve houston, Marie Smith and Paul Bendeich. Outcomes were addressed as: The 123 Emergency website was discussed and it was decided that the WEN would link in with this website. Negotitations are still being made as to how this will occur. Community noticeboards will be erected in the Wallsend area displaying necessary information. Flood markers will be put in discrete places around Wallsend Town and a Wallsend emergency guide will be compiled. Further, it is hoped that an event day will be held some time in the near future. Brainstorming sessions were held as to how the WEN should work. It was decided that a network of various people who wish to be involved will be formed and that involved persons will elect in what manner they wish to be involved. It was also decided that the SES, local churches and the fire brigade will be invited to participate in future WEN meetings.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Flood Posts for Wallsend

A letter was written to Council concerning obtaining floodposts for the Wallsend area to promote flood awareness on the 13 May 2008. A response was obtained on the 17 June stating:-

Council has been successful in obtaining a Grant from the Hunter Community Recovery Fund for the installation of commemorative flood June 2007 flod height markers and roadside flood depth warning signs in priority locations across the City. The Wallsend Business District area has been allocated a high priority.

The specific locations and detailed design will require careful thought, and installation is scheduled to be completed in the first half of 2009.

Agenda for the first WEN meeting 25th June 08

1. Welcome
2. Around the table introductions – why are you here?
3. Update – Outcomes
123 Emergency website
Community Noticeboards – WETS
Flood Markers – NCC
Wallsend Workbook / pamphlet
4. Brainstorm
How should WEN work?
Who wants to be involved?
Who should be invited to be involved?
Next Meeting – Updates

Monday, June 9, 2008

Emergency Numbers to keep close by

Flood Warnings - Bureau of Meterology - 1300 659 218

In case of flooding - SES - 13 25 00

Flood information - 4974 2030

Strategic Flood Management Enquiries - 4974 2000

Ironbark Creek Floodgates - 4930 1030

SES Floodsafe Breakfast

Wallsend had a great response for the SES Floodsafe Breakfast this morning with approximately 20 businesses represented and supported by Newcastle City Council. Wallsend also got to announce the emergence of its Wallsend Emergency Network (WEN) which was established in October 2007 and coordinated by Kathie Heyman as the Wallsend Recovery Coordinator.
A few of the points to be drawn from this mornings meeting with the SES was that it is not "IF" but "WHEN" another flood occurs, and a Floodsafe Toolkit was handed around to business personnel to encourage individual businesses to take account of becoming flood prepared.
A WEN newsletter was distributed along with an invitation to the first meeting to be held at Cafe Tempest on the 25th of June at 8am. Further, a questionnaire was attached for businesses to fill out to share their story of flood experience June 8 2007, and to ascertain flood knowledge.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

12 Months on, where to from here?

1. Come to the first meeting of the Wallsend Emergency Network (WEN) held at Cafe Tempest on the 25th of June 2008 at 8am to 9am.

2. Join the network and volunteer a task. Is there something you would like to contribute to the Wallsend Recovery Project? Or, is there something you would like to know in particular? Join the network by contacting Kathie on 49787836 or by email:

3. Questionnaire: How are you going really? A follow-up questionnaire was attached to a newsletter and forwarded to businesses in the locality of Wallsend. The aim of the questionnaire is to ascertain our community's flood knowledge and to see how people are getting on 12 months post-June 8, 2007. We really appreciate feedback. The questionnaire is due for collection on the 17th of June 2008.

4. Tell us your stories and share photos by forwarding to the email address above.

Communications with Newcastle City Council

On the 19th March 2008 Kathie Heyman inquired about representation on the Newcastle Flood Advisory Group Sub Committee. The response forwarded by Newcastle City Council (NCC) was that there has not been a following meeting since the Wallsend flood sub-committee met with NCC in November 2007 and that the next meeting with Wallsend on the agenda will be held in late October to consider an updated Draft Floodplain Management Plan for Wallsend. Council state: “The recommendations of the draft Wallsend Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan may impact of property owners.” However, “[t]here is no indication at this point that there will be substantial government funding to implement the plan.
Max McCorkell of the Base Warehouse corresponded with NCC regarding “Suggestions to save Nelson Street in Wallsend in times of flooding”. Mr McCorkell suggested to control and divert flooding in Wallsend. Mr McCorkell suggested increasing the storm water drainage of Wallsend. NCC advised that such options have been considered in the preparation of the Draft Floodplain Management Study and Plan for Wallsend (March 2007). However, “if Nelson Street was to be made free from flash flooding, the existing trunk drainage channel in the Wallsend Business District would need to be widened from its present 17 metres width to become 120 meters wide, with 1 metre high containing walls either side. The cost and the widespread impact this would have on the Wallsend Business District forced the Draft Floodplain Management Study to conclude this option was not viable.” Mr McCorkell suggested increasing the waterway area of the existing bridge in Minmi Road over Ironbark Creek. However, NCC advise that this measure would only reduce the 1 in 100 flash flood by an amount of 10 centimetres.
NCC state that there are an estimated 19,000 properties in the Newcastle Local Government Area which can be affected by flash flooding (about 1,000 of these are located in the Wallsend area) and an estimated 2,000 properties which can be affected by Hunter River flooding. Scientifically based flood studies covering all of Newcastle are expected to be completed over the next few months. Following this, flood modelling data will be upgraded and different scenarios tested over 12 months. Once these trials are completed, and after community consultation, a city-wide flood management plan will be implemented.